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AlgorithmProgrammingRoboticsArtificial intelligence

The Lycée Molière proposes one weekly hour of computer workshop.

Why should we study computer science?

We live in a world where computer science is ever more present, where most human activities rely on computer programs (music is digital, the press is increasingly consulted online, agriculture is robotic, medicine uses algorithms to decode the entire human genome …), yet most people do not know how they work. Computer science is the ability to break down what you want a machine to do into simple tasks it can perform. It’s a way of thinking that allows you to codify a process and make it achievable. The purpose of this weekly course is to teach students to understand computer science and apply that knowledge by creating simple programs (games, web page, blog, website, application) that will carry out the actions they have determined. This will allow them to progress from the role of a passive consumer to that of an active user.

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